Disclaimer: English Kinda Thing

The sole purpose of the "English Kinda Thing" is to document my attempts to correct my own mistakes in standard English usage and to share the resources I find. In no way do I attempt to teach nobody English through these blurbs--just as I intend not to teach nobody to be a neurotic and psychotic handicap in Ratology Reloaded or Down with Meds! :-)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sternberg, R. J. (1986). Inside Intelligence

To begin with, it seems to serve my ego better to subscribe to Dweck's notion that intelligence is incremental rather than fixed... and therefore... within individual comparison.

Sternberg, R. J. (1986). Inside Intelligence: Cognitive science enables us to go beyond intelligence tests and understand how the human mind solves problems. American scientist, 74(2), 137-143.

"Cognitive, or non-executive processes, and metacognitive, or executive processes."

How Sternberg differentiated between cognition and metacognition... the notion of executive function.

Cognitive processes: Performance

Psychotic Intelligence (aspects of human intelligence uncovered by Sternberg based on observations made about analogy problem solving)

Psychotic Intelligence is something needed not by the non-psychotics and might be difficult for them to develop since they are not granted with hallucinations and delusions as the learning context (hope it doesn't make it sound to psychoticentric... but... lucky them... like me before the onset).    
  • Higher scorers on intelligence test are "faster at inferring, mapping, and applying relations, and at communicating their response to analogy problems." (p. 138)
I have been mighty fast in doing these... float like a cadillac and sting like a beemer... in the processing of my psychotic cognition.  The outcome? Cuckoo... cuckoo...  because... faster in the wrong way.  Today, I try to be fast in doing these things except what I have to be fast in is, in theory, the antipsychotic cognition... "Is it symptomatic and what could I do with it?" Since I have no control over the speed of processing in psychotic cognition, I can only work on my antipsychotic cognition.  If info deemed symptomatic and alike, conscious efforts in encoding, abort (at least try to).  Am I scoring higher in this psychotic intelligence test than when I was even more of a fledgling?  Honestly, donno.
  • Higher scorers were slower at encoding the information that they later manipulated... making sure information is encoded right. 
In comparison to how I function, such as at the onset, I think I have had to learn to slow down the processing of information substantially and dumping the encoding process if possible.  

Why learning it?  Nothing grand... just seems to be what's needed to survive... that's it.  I can't prove it to you or myself... but it feels like, throughout the years, I have been forced to learn to observe but not do anything... unless there seems to be something important about the observation... like... all them stairs to get up to and down from the Big Buddha... at the beginning of the trip in Hong Kong... let me analyze the situation.  

It's a way for me to learn to live with the psychotic cognition--the never-ending need to analyze situations and to intervene... Shall I have no bearing on psychotic cognition that is more than difficult to control, let me cut down on what I have control over... an attempt to give unresting my mind some slack.  Following Sternberg's notion, hope this means that I am becoming more psychotically intelligent than I was... at least as an even more fledgling psychotic at the onset.  This actually reminds me of a scene in "The Island."

"The only thing you can count on is that people will do anything to survive. I just want to live. I don't care how." ~ Lincoln Six Echo

Funny enough, for me, to survive, to slow the cognitive processing down including encoding... like... dumb me down to the lowest common denominator.  8-O lol sigh
  • People spend their time quite unevenly on the various mental operation... (e.g., encoding, inferring relations, mapping relations of a higher order, applying relations) 

Cognitive processes: Learning

  1. Selective-encoding: Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillion--how on earth did the bacteria near the moldy thing get destroy? (What to attend to... features and attributes of my symptoms.)
  2. Selective-combination: Darwin's theory of natural selection--same birds seen by everyone and Darwin thought... what up with the beak of them birds? (Observations of my mental and physical states of being... what might be the contributing fact and how can I mitigate the impact?  Like, in times of dosage adjustment, I felt really no good last night and decided to take my meds a bit earlier... and it got part of the issues resolved.)
  3. Selective-comparison: Kekule's discovery of the structure of the benzene ring--there is something interesting between the snake in the dream and the structure of the benzene right... (Why didn't I catch my delusions at the second major episode?  Haven't not be exposed to symptoms along the supernatural theme and the impacts, I didn't see the similarity in the symptom structure.)

Metacognitive processes

In this section, the author provided a lot of research-based examples to show the qualitative differences between the seasoned and the not-so-seasoned problem solvers.  

One quote I like especially... to "support" the inevitability of limited my psychotic model in progress...

"No one is able to devote his or her full attention to every problem or every aspect of every problem, and so an important aspect of intelligence is deciding just how one's resources, and especially attentional resources, should be allocated." (p. 142)

Not to mention, am I sure am I sure whether I am really doing any better than before other than making comparison using things stored in my kaput LTM and kaput executive processes?  There's not even validity in the world as I see it (though reliably not shared by people other than mes, myselves, and Is)... garbage in, garbage out... how kosher could the outcome of the comparison be? 8-O lol

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