Disclaimer: English Kinda Thing

The sole purpose of the "English Kinda Thing" is to document my attempts to correct my own mistakes in standard English usage and to share the resources I find. In no way do I attempt to teach nobody English through these blurbs--just as I intend not to teach nobody to be a neurotic and psychotic handicap in Ratology Reloaded or Down with Meds! :-)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Compione, Joseph C. (1987). Metacognitive components of instructional research with problem learners.

Compione, Joseph C. (1987). Metacognitive components of instructional research with problem learners. In F. E. Weinert & R. Kluwe (Eds.), Metacognition, motivation, and understanding (pp. 1-16). Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

"Metacognitive work has reawakened an interest in the role of consciousness, or awareness, or understanding, in thinking and problem-solving." (p. 117)

"Strategy training, even on the training task, did not eliminate differences between retarded and nonretarded children: the implication is that there are other sources of comparative differences that remain 'untreated'" (p. 122-123)

The multiple times when I was in institutionalizable grade and the second major psychotic episode after the onset... Why would the condition get to institutionalizable grade?  One simple answer I know is... underestimation.  La  forza... even the copegeny and the extents of its effect are dependent on the forces of the nature.  Bow in front of it.

"Will the subject continue to execute the activity when the experimenter/instructor is absent or ceases prompting; that is, will the activity be maintained?  Will the subject apply what he or she has learned to novel but related problems; that is, will the effects of training be generalized effectively?" (p. 123)

"Failure to produce strategies or to transfer them might be seen as reflecting a general metacognitive deficit." (p. 124)

Working with psychosis entails a constantly process of solving novel problems.  Sure, the problem might be "the same" though the form might seem different.  Question-- why do failure in the application of coping strategies arise? Why do we get so psychotic and get reinstitutionalized?

"Excedutive decision making also presented difficulty... it was found that retarded children do not tent to monitor their state of learning accurately."

Stating of the basic... "ignore."  How many decades would it take for a psychotic to fully master the art of ignoring if it ever happens?

"... the question of the generality/specificity of problem-solving skills... General skills canno solve problems by themselves but may provide access to the more specific and powerful skills that are necessary for problem solving.  In this context, the questions are: Are (some of) the self-regulatory mechanisms general ones?  If so, can they be taught alone or only in combination with the more specific skills to which they allow access?"  (p. 125)

The author provided a review on training research (p. 126-133)
  • Knowledge alone
  • Strategies plus knowledge
  • Self-regulation
  • Strategies plus regulation: for the less sohpisticated learners, the most effective condition was the most explicit training. The poorer students did not integrate the rules and self-management instructions for themselves; the needed explicit instruction in role control to maximize their performance  (therefore I need to explicate the tactics for myself).
Rote learning or not... there is a need for intrinsic motivation.  

The issue of integration--abstraction of one's own knowledge, strategies, training oneself to perform them, devising evaluation criteria, training oneself to apply the criteria to evaluation one's own performance.  No one can extract these knowledge and strategies for the psychotics... unfortunately.  It would be the psychotics' own decision to get some added values from the commonplace minor inconveniences in life or not.

"Poor learners are deficient in knowledge because of poor learning skills, in particular, the self-regulatory, executive mechanism... Providing the products of that processing (e.g., specific knowledge about the memory system) does not affect the underlying problems.  It is worth noting that an asymmetry is clearly possible.  For example, teaching subjects to monitor performance may well lead to the development of factual knowledge about the memory system (e.g., span limitations and strategy effectiveness)." (p. 135)

Question... did my background in human cognition help me cope?  At the same time, when the shrink told me that I was delusional, I thought he was part of the conspiracy theory.  

"... effective performance within some domain requires knowledge about the domain, specific procedures for operating within the domain, and more general regulatory processes that are task independent; slow learners experience problems in all three areas."  (p. 136)

Consider psychosis as a domain... it's no easy domain to learn.

"... making learners aware of themselves and of the availability and potential use of cognitive resources."

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